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Letter from a French Immigrant

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Artemis Bunyon Donating Member (435 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-12-05 10:00 PM
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Letter from a French Immigrant
Letter from a French Immigrant
by J.C. Rich

I came to America quite some time ago.

My trip to America was planned for well over a year.

Everyone I ever knew in France loved and respected America.

Although I was a single female, my countrymen thought I would be a good ambassador.

I arrived in America on board the French frigate Isere.

I didn't travel light. I came with 214 crates.

I took me four months to settle into my permanent residence.

I was welcomed with open arms by Americans everywhere.

In fact, I was never "naturalized", I was immediately adopted by America almost unanimously.

I am the only Ambassador to have had millions upon millions of Americans and foreign nationals come to visit me.

I have never once denied an audience with a visitor.

I was inspired by America, and in turn, tried to inspire for America.

Soon, I was no longer the French Ambassador, I was the American "greeter".

My face became the Face of America. I was so proud to represent America's Liberty.

I have stood tall and unwavering for 121 years. It was easy, America had my back.

The torch I held was but a reflection of the "light" America gave the world.

I am saddened today.

You forget my ancestry when you revile my former countrymen.

They thought enough of you to send me. Not a small task, all things considered.

You thought enough of me to let me represent you.

If I could have but one wish granted, I would wish for my pedestal to be turned 180 degrees.

I want to see your face when I ask "What has changed?"

I know I haven't changed. I was designed that way.

You see, France had a statement to make to you when they made me.

France saw Truth, Liberty, Hope, Justice, Compassion and countless other values in you.

By creating me out of respect for those qualities, They made me unchangeable... permanent, hoping those values would never waver.

I was sent before the Great War, at the turn of last century, so don't confuse me with a gift of gratitude.

I came before, as a gift of monumental respect.

I was Frederic Auguste Bartholdi's life work, but it was the people of France who decided where I should reside.

I want to hold this torch for quite some time to come.

All I need, is for you to shine again.

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Dear Maggie Donating Member (268 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jan-13-05 11:52 AM
Response to Original message
1. Very good rendition
At first I thought we were talking about a lady, of course,
but did start to wonder about 214 crates ... 'not traveling light'

I like her national anthem
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