Now that it looks like George Bush is definitely going to be inaugurated it's time to dig in for the next four years. We are quickly putting up a website to help with coordinating and getting the word out on Inaugural protests (only 8 days to go). The site's aim is to be bipartisan (I know this is a liberal forum, please be patient with us. There really are many people from all walks of life who are against Bush so we are going to try to be as all inclusive as possible) and is geared toward the first time protester. We are attempting to list all the major(peaceful) anti-bush protests so that first time protesters have a place to begin their research and join in. The major problem now is almost all hotels in the DC area are booked (hard tofind a room for less than 400 a night), if you have any housing links to forward please to do so. Pardon the appearance of our site we are trying to get it up as quickly as possible before the inaugural, we are still waiting for the revised design and new template. Like most people we were shocked by Bush's reelection and this is being done on the fly. More content is also on the way. Webmasters out there feel free to link to us and send us an email that describes your site and we will try to reciprocate. Whether you link to us or not, it might be a good idea to start a few threads on DU on the counter inaugural to give people a heads up as to what is going on and channel some of the lingering frustration on this board. The biggest problems right now are finding a place to stay and many people in many states are having a problem with transportation. Post those housing links and organize car pools in you local areas to get people to DC. Good luck and lets show the world how most of America really feels.
DCprotests.com is going to remain up after the inaugural for possible future protests and to put up pictures in case the protests are ignored by the media.
We may be changing hosting services so if you cant find us at dcprotests.com try dcprotests.net