On another forum there's this fellow I'm friends with. He's very conservative, mainly because of the gun issue and the fact that his work requires him to drive all day and he has constant exposure to talk radio.
Anyway we are always sparring in the political forum there. Well in the rants forum there somebody posted how tough it was for their company was on letting them off to see the doctor.
We kind of got into a discussion on benefits and he said:
"I am hourly. I can make up the time, or take a half vacation day, or use a sick day. Get 3 sick days, 2 or 3 floating holidays, and because I've been there over 10 years, I get 5 weeks vacation. We get bonuses when we turn a profit, but in the four years that we have been owned by our new parant company, we haven't turned a profit.
"Sounds like the gang you work for don't seem to understand the concept of "salary", do they? I'm getting sick and fucking tired of the dickheads that seem to be running companies lately. Always thinking of themselves and the shareholders, to hell with the people that actually make the money for them."
I'm not sure we could break the brainwashing on him, but certainly the economic message of the democrats is more in line with his statement.