posts the truth...they just called the hatchmen onboard due to the buddies posting the truth..check this out..anyone have a pass to post on their site? Check this out regarding the so-called speech tonite. Looks like someone pissed them off..You might need to go to the link to read the comments.. Bella
How much is too much to keep terrorists from suitcase nuking 4 or 5 US cities?,, Do you not think when they get them they won't use them?,, How much money or lives did WW2 cost in todays numbers?,, after all Japan and Germany didn't want every man, woman and child dead in this country like these terrorists want,, and yes the terrorists have declared war on us and since Carter no President except Bush has done a damn thing about it,, 87 billion or a trillion who cares,, the very survial of our country is at stake,, Bush probably should have allowed a hit a year here so dumbasses with their short memories on exactly what the objectives of these antichrists are,, (it's to obliterate us off the face of the earth) don't forget,,
29 posted on 09/07/2003 9:35 PM EDT by Lib-Lickers 2 (God Bless Our Military)
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To: asjohnson
Picky, picky. Details, details. We can't worry about such things...
30 posted on 09/07/2003 9:36 PM EDT by billbears (Deo Vindice)
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To: Lib-Lickers 2
want every man, woman and child dead in this country like these terrorists want
That is a separate issue, which is - was there any connection at all between Sept 11 and Iraq. Most analysts say no. If there was, then the whole story we have been told - about Afghanistan and the Taliban - is off.
31 posted on 09/07/2003 9:38 PM EDT by BlackVeil
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To: Lib-Lickers 2; Miss Marple; Carolinamom; cmsgop; Dog; Peach
How much is too much to keep terrorists from suitcase nuking 4 or 5 US cities?,, Do you not think when they get them they won't use them?,, How much money or lives did WW2 cost in todays numbers?,, after all Japan and Germany didn't want every man, woman and child dead in this country like these terrorists want,, and yes the terrorists have declared war on us and since Carter no President except Bush has done a damn thing about it,, 87 billion or a trillion who cares,, the very survial of our country is at stake,, Bush probably should have allowed a hit a year here so dumbasses with their short memories on exactly what the objectives of these antichrists are,, (it's to obliterate us off the face of the earth) don't forget,,
What a GREAT post!!!!!!
32 posted on 09/07/2003 9:40 PM EDT by Howlin