Did anyone hear the story this morning about protesters at the inaguration? I was shocked to hear them use the statment of someone from the "organization" Free Republic.
Go here
http://www.npr.org/rundowns/rundown.php?prgDate=13-Jan-2005&prgId=3 and scroll down to "Inagural Protesters Say They are Being Shut Out"
Here is the letter I just sent:
Listening to your story this morning regarding protesters at the inaguration fearing being shut out...I was appalled to hear a representative from the extreme right wing organization "Free Republic" state that organizations such as ANSWER and Code Pink are "aligned with terrorists" and "side with Saddam Hussein" To call these groups, who have done much work to end the war, promote peace and understanding around the world, and in Code Pink's case, recently took much needed food and medical supplies to the innocent victims of the war in Iraq, to allow this person to call them "terrorists" is beyond the pale.
I sincerely hope you will allow representatives from those organizations to be allowed to defend themselves and that in the future you will be careful who you allow to give "commentary" on your station.
I am a contributor to my local affiliate- KPCC - but I am questioning any further support to a station that blatantly lets right wing nutjobs say whatever they want on the air.