To: Ancesthntr
This guy is the ultimate bafoon. Rush had a couple of soundbites of fatboy on Hardball last night. He sais 3 absolutely false things about the war in Iraq, not that that comes as any surprise.
1. That we were told there was an imminent threat. We were not.
2. That we were told Saddam had nuclear weapons. We were not.
3. That we were told it would be a cakewalk. We were not. Straight from the Democrat handbook.
9 posted on 01/13/2005 12:21:28 PM PST by conservativebabe
more, guys went on and on making fun of Ted Kennedy's remark of "Osama Obama"... a simple slip up that could have been made by anyone. Haha, real funny. I'm sure they thought it was fine when Bush screwed up the script of his social security meeting.
These guys amaze me. By the way, in less than five minutes I was able to find three examples that proved what Ted stated were true.1)