Who would have dreamt how religious and righteous were those Nazis -- just goes to show how a man's word can be confused and obscured by his actions:
In a speech at the Harvest Thanksgiving Celebration on the Buckeberg on 7 October 1933: And of our God at this hour we would humbly pray that in the future, too, He would give His blessing upon our labor for our daily bread. HITLER'S SPEECHES by Norman Baynes, 1942, VOLUME 1, Page 874
In Berlin on 20 February 1938 Hitler stated: In this hour I pray that the Almighty will give His blessing in the years to come to our work and action, to our judgment and to our strength of resolution, that He may guard us from false pride as from cowardly submission, that He will let us find the right way, which He in His Providence has allotted to the German people, and that He give us always the courage to do right and never to waiver or weaken in the face of any force or danger. HITLER'S WORDS, by Adolph Hitler, Edited by Gordon Prange, 1944, page 92
In Cologne on 28 March 1936: Once the mercy of God shown upon us, but we were not worthy of His mercy. Providence withdrew its protection and our people fell, fell as scarcely any other people heretofore. In this deep misery we again learned to pray.... This people has become better, more respectable, and nobler. We all perceive it; the mercy of the Lord slowly returns to us again. And in this hour we sink to our knees and beseech our Almighty God that He may bless us, that He may give us the strength to carry on the struggle for the freedom, the future, the honor, and the peace of our people. So help us God. HITLER'S WORDS, by Adolph Hitler, Edited by Gordon Prange, 1944, page 91
In a speech in Munich on 24 February 1940 he stated: But there is something else I believe, and that is that there is a God. This God has given the same right to all nations. And this God again has blessed our efforts during the past 13 years. MY NEW ORDER by Adolph Hitler, Edited by de Sales, 1941, page 788
In his speech to members of the Party at the Nuremberg Parteitag on 13 September 1936: Never in these long years have we offered any other prayer but this: Lord, grant to our people peace at home, and grant and preserve to them peace from the foreign foe! We in our generation have lived through so much fighting that it is natural that we should long for peace. We wish to work, we wish to mould our Reich, to organize it after our own fashion, not after that of the Bolshevist Jews! HITLER'S SPEECHES by Norman Baynes, 1942, VOLUME 1, Page 207
In a speech at Konigsberg on 4 March 1933: Our prayer is: Lord God, let us never hesitate, let us never play the coward, let us never forget the duty which we have taken upon us. HITLER'S SPEECHES by Norman Baynes, 1942, VOLUME 1, Page 116
Munich speech on 27 September 1922: . . . Necessity teaches us to pray, but it also teaches us to fight. God gave man prayer, but He refuses to grant the fulfillment of prayer if man does not fight for it. HITLER'S WORDS, by Adolph Hitler, Edited by Gordon Prange, 1944, page 76
Because God's will once gave men their form, their being, and their faculties. Who destroys His work thereby declares war on the creation of the Lord, the divine will. MEIN KAMPF, Adolph Hitler, New York, Reynal & Hitchcock, 1939, page 827
Munich speech on 4 September 1932: I also have the conviction and the certain feeling that nothing can happen to me, for I know that Providence has chosen me to fulfill my task. HITLER, SPEECHES AND PROCLAMATIONS 1932-45, Vol. 1, by Max Domarus, page 165
And in a Reichstag speech on 21 May 1935: But the more difficult the decisions, so much the more I as a German should like to make sure that my actions are completely uninfluenced by instincts of weakness or fear and to bring them into harmony with my conscience towards my God and the nation which He permits me to serve. HITLER'S SPEECHES by Norman Baynes, 1942, VOLUME 1, Page 457
Before the Reichstag on 30 January 1937: When I look back upon the great work of the four years lying behind us, you will understand that my initial feeling can be none other than that of gratitude to our Almighty God who allowed us to accomplish this work. He blessed our work and enabled our Volk to stride unscathed and confident through all the perils lining its path. HITLER, , by Max Domarus, Vol. 2, page 873 HITLER'S WORDS, by Adolph Hitler, Edited by Gordon Prange, 1944, page 92
Two worlds face one another--the men of God and the men of Satan! THE VOICE OF DESTRUCTION, by Hermann Rauschnigg, 1940, page 241