I just went to my AOL account and Head story said Walmart "Urban Legend" - earlier saw Ohio Vote Irregularities "Urban Legend"... is this the new spin...
http://aolsvc.news.aol.com/news/article.adp?id=20050113103509990023Company's CEO on Offensive Against Critics
LITTLE ROCK, Ark. (Jan. 13) - Wal-Mart Stores Inc. chief executive Lee Scott led a media charge Thursday to counter criticism that the world's largest retailer is a behemoth that takes advantage of its workers and stifles competition.
Scott said he wants Wal-Mart workers to know the company was speaking up for them and he wants Wal-Mart to have a better handle on how it is perceived among members of the public.
The company bought full-page ads in more than 100 newspapers around the nation to highlight its message that it provides opportunity for advancement and that its stores provide mainly full-time jobs that come with a broad benefits package.
''We want to get those myths off the table, set the record straight,'' Scott said in a phone interview. He was in New York City for a round of media interviews.
more... (link above)
edit: to "copy and paste"... and no at the moment I couldn't