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Make the Freepers Mad at Bush. Tell 'Em We Waged War to Give Iraq to Iran

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David Zephyr Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jan-13-05 08:46 PM
Original message
Make the Freepers Mad at Bush. Tell 'Em We Waged War to Give Iraq to Iran
Want to get your Republican friends and family members really upset? Want to confuse them with a little shattering thing called the truth? Want to see them crack in their fervor for George Bush?

Help them put two and two together. Watch their eyes roll back into the back of their heads as their brains "tilt". It works every time.

Educate them then to the coming surrender of the greater part of Iraq to the Iranian influenced Shi'a who are about to rule after the ill advised "elections" coming up.

Let them know that the end result of Bush's War that has cost this nation hundreds of billions of dollars, wasted the Social Security Surplus, cost nearly two thousand American soldiers' lives and hundreds of thousands of Iraqi lives, cost us our prestige in the world's eyes..that the end result of that war was to further empower Iran.

Because that is the inevitable outcome of the mess that the Bush Administration has made in Iraq. Iran gets to control the greater part of Iraq by proxy and thereby a significant percentage of the world's oil resources.

And while it wasn't the Bush Cabal's original intent, that being to turn the greater part of Iraq over to Iran, it is now the only outcome that will allow Bush to begin to pull troops out of Iraq to save face and to avoid the coming Civil War that even his closest advisers and family friends, including Brent Scowcroft and James Baker are telling him that is coming.

Please read:

From November 3rd, 2004 the night after the election.

The biggest winner in the U.S. election last night was, without a doubt, the fundamentalist regime in Iran who flushed with the pride of their newly acquired international trump card, nuclear weapons, now stand ready to help George W. Bush solve his dilemma by taking control of Iraq. And they will take control without ever using their military divisions now perched on the Iraqi border because George W. Bush will help them.

Iran now holds every card in Iraq. Indeed every "solution" to preventing chaos and civil war there involves cutting some deal that turns control of the former Iraq (65% Shi'a) over to Iran (89% Shi'a). There are, of course, many ways for this inevitable outcome to play out, but whether it comes through the election of a Shi'a government in the proposed Iraqi elections next year or by another avenue, it will happen.

George Bush and Dick Cheney, with their failed military excursion into the former, non-secular Iraq --- which was once most effectively contained by economic sanctions, military no-fly zones and U.N. inspections --- have now left themselves and the world with the deplorable option of swapping most, if not all, of territorial Iraq for a phony peace arrangement which will allow the Bush Administration to save face, pull our troops out of Iraq "with honor" and declare a victory for "democracy".

And, of course, there will be a psyche-soothing and great national celebration at home here in the U.S. in celebration of our great military "victory" complete with a ticker tape parade in Manhattan with Fox News and the Corporate Media dutifully beaming it to us with the fine touch of Lee Greenwood howling, "God Bless the U.S.A.". Americans will be encouraged to congratulate themselves and stroke themselves with pride how we took democracy to the Middle East.

And the newly structured Greater Iran will then control 20-25% of all the known oil reserves in the world and over 35% of all oil exported from the Persian Gulf.

Consider the sobering irony of Bush II turning over Iraq (of course, it must never be called a "turn over") to Iran when it was Bush I and Ronald Reagan who had empowered Saddam Hussein in the 1980's with billions of dollars of support and weapons to make war with Iran. If Bush II turns over Iraq to Iran, one must ask how many billions of U.S. taxpayer dollars were pissed away during the Iraq/Iran War in the 1980's along with the nearly $200 Billion in the current "Operation Iraqi Freedom" and its aftermath? How many lives, civilian and military, were lost between 1980 and today in first propping up Saddam Hussein to fight Iran only to later topple him from power and turn Iraq over to Iran?

There will, of course, be voices from within the Neocon circles that have GW Bush's ear encouraging him to invade Iran. And it won't be just the Neocons. Ariel Sharon in an unholy alliance with the Sunni Saudis "Royals", who will mutually (and correctly) fear the rise of Greater Iran, will also weigh in heavily for taking action against Iran, but it won't happen.

It won't happen because even Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld know that our military could not win in such a scenario and that the consequences would be catastrophic and unthinkable. No, our current president will look to the example that his father left him during the Persian Gulf War in the 1980's: pull out and declare a great victory.

The better solution would have been to divide Iraq quickly (after the inexcusable and unplanned invasion) into self-governing entities with the Kurds and Sunnis as players which would have prevented civil war and had some modicum of fairness. But that day is done.

The Iranians have been playing American presidents for fools for years now and doing so brilliantly. Just ask Ahmed Chalabi or Oliver North if you have any doubts.

So, the big winner in the U.S. election was the current Iranian government. It certainly wasn't the American taxpayer or its soldiers.
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NYC Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jan-13-05 08:58 PM
Response to Original message
1. It will be easy to convince them
after it happens.
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David Zephyr Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jan-13-05 09:03 PM
Response to Reply #1
2. Maybe and maybe not. I think that Snowcroft & Baker are...
trying through these carefully released statements to prepare the public and most of all Bush supporters for the defeat by calling for beginning a "staged exit" from Iraq and thereby immunizing them.

It's sort of like the Bush White House now claiming that "we told you that things were going to get worse" when it only did so after things had gotten worse.

In any event, NYC, Bush lost the war and his crowd is now looking for a way to call it a victory.

Reminds me of the old saying, "When you are being run out of town by an angry crowd, get to the front of the mob, wave a flag and declare that you are leading a parade." Ha!
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NYC Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jan-13-05 09:15 PM
Response to Reply #2
3. I think your last sentence describes their plan.
"When you are being run out of town by an angry crowd, get to the front of the mob, wave a flag and declare that you are leading a parade."
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Oversea Visitor Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jan-13-05 09:44 PM
Response to Reply #3
5. No easy exit
Going to really piss a lot of people.
The disable soldiers from the war, the family of dead soldiers, the angry taxpayer whose money was wasted, the poltical animal that smell blood but the most dangerous of all.

The families of the dead Iraqies from this insane war. How and what step will the US take to heal this wound. Staring in the face of US is the real terror ..... the monster created by an insane and unjust war, the Iraqies who is willing to die to kill some Americans. Bush has killed their loved one, smash their future destroy their home, virtualy reduce their country to a state of hell.

This is reality it wont be solve until real action are taken to address this problems or they follow the troops home from Iraq. Its going to very costly to solve it the cost of this will forever be a burden on future Americans.

They say Bush manufacture crisis to justified his action. In this case the manufactured crisis will become America and the world biggest nightmare. Who is to blame? The check and measure all fail,
The UN fail for not being strong enough to prevent it, many goverments in this world fail for not being strong enough to prevent this, your elected representatives fail for not being able to prevent this disaster, the silent majority around the world fail for being silent and hence allow this to happen.

The world will need to come together to heal this, there must be exposure there must be a huge outpouring of remorse, there must be a clear and precise message given to the Iraqies who has suffer. Any less and the message to the people of Iraq will not be strong enogh to overcome the hatred generated by this unjust move. Love will have to conquer this hate.
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David Zephyr Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jan-13-05 10:01 PM
Response to Reply #5
6. You have aptly described the consequences of Bush's illegal and failed war
More than anything, I am ashamed of how the majority of the leaders within the Democratic Party shamefully went along with this madness.

Another reason for my active support for Governor Dean as Chair for the cleansing must begin at the top.
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EVDebs Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jan-13-05 09:27 PM
Response to Reply #2
4. "Declare 'Victory', then leave" just like in VietNam...
And then we can proceed with impeachment articles on Bush. How do you tell such WHOPPERS in order to get the military into a war ? The War Powers Act of 1973 (referred to inside the Joint Resolution that Congress passed to get us into this fiasco) was set up specifically to PREVENT such lies to create pretext to war !
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David Zephyr Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jan-14-05 01:54 PM
Response to Reply #4
7. Just as you say, "Declare 'victory' and then leave.
There will be ticker tapes, but every living person on the planet with the exception of the brainwashed American public will no that we were defeated.

Bush lost Iraq and turned it over to the Iranian backed Shi'a in Iraq in order to be able to leave "with honor."

The Iranians played Bush, Cheney and Rummy for the proud fools that they were. The Iranians keep serving America humble pie decade after decade because of stupid GOP policies based on greed and pride.
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EVDebs Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jan-14-05 02:09 PM
Response to Reply #7
8. Patrick Lang of DIA said he respected 'good work' and that's
what the Iranians did with Chalabi. Bush & co. should be impeached for being USED by a foreign intell operation and the Republicans should be made to pay 'reparations' to defrauded US taxpayers.
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David Zephyr Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jan-14-05 02:44 PM
Response to Reply #8
9. I agree. Give the Iranians lots of credit for snookering us over and over
Edited on Fri Jan-14-05 02:52 PM by David Zephyr
Many of the newbies here and younger folk don't know just how many times that the leaders in Iran have played the U.S. for fools. EVDebs, I know that you know that the Iranians screwed Jimmy Carter by cutting a deal with old man Bush in Paris in 1980 to release the hostages upon Reagan's swearing in IF Reagan, Bush and Bill Casey would sell them the weapons they wanted.

Then the Iranians, after they had got what they wanted from Reagan and Bush, actually release the information of the deal to the press exposing the entire Iran-Contra felonious behavior of Oliver North and the Reagan White House and humiliating Ronald Reagan.

Of course, the Chalabi scam against Rummy, Cheney and Bush was brilliant and again stunk up the White House.

But the most brilliant of all and the payback of all paybacks against the Bush/Reagan support of Saddam Hussein in his war against Iran during the 1980's was how Iran with Chalabi played Bush and Cheney like fiddles into luring them into war with Iraq by providing the "intelligence" that Bush and Cheney were begging for, that their ears were itching to hear.

And now the call by Sistani and the Shi'a for elections which is very bad news for the Sunni and the Kurds has called the bluff and checkmated Bush and Cheney into going forward with the ill-timed elections so that they can claim something, some pittance of rational for this fucked-up disaster of a war.

The end result is that Iran and its Shi'a proxy government-to-be will wind up controlling greater Iraq...and the oil. And while I don't think the Sunni, who will be backed by Saudi Arabia, Syria and most Arabs will go quietly into the night, the end result will be that Bush took us to war only to turn over the greater part of Iraq to Iran.

And the Shi'a, gratefully will allow Bush to begin pulling us out of Iraq and declaring "victory" for the U.S. and "democracy in the Middle East".

Some victory. He gave Iran what they had fought for in the 1980's without them ever needing to lift a finger.

What a disgrace.

Thanks for the comment by Patrick Lang of DIA who correctly gives the Iranians their due. They made fools of the U.S. once again.

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leesa Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jan-14-05 02:49 PM
Response to Original message
10. That's a good one. Would be very effective!
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