9/11 will be taught in future centuries as the end of the world war II consensus, the fall of the american empire and the build up to world war 3 and 4 which sealed the fall of that empire.
The kobe earthquake changed building codes and earthquake standards in japan.... (every building built to eartquake tolerances fell down in that quake... causing a re-think).
The atomic boming of nagasaki was such a heinous crime, that it helped us not use them in war since then.
The fire bombing of tokyo and dresden simlarly have encouraged a level of restraint in american civilian mass murders that this iraq conflict has only killed 100,000 rather than the more expected millions the american military would prefer to murder in the bush imperium.
Gosh, with columbine, you can no longer take a hunting rifle to school.
With the okalhoma bombing, you can no longer pick up huge amounts of diesel fuel and fertilizer in a ryder truck.
With the world trade center bombing in 93, you could no longer walk in the world trade center plaza, as they sealed it off from terrorists (read: pedestrians).
Heck, now you'll be arrested for having nail clippers in an airport.. that is serious progress!
Stop the plane... or i'll clip my nails!! ;-)
You can no longer buy a quality laser pointer on the web, as good things have come around and declared the common public unable to own them without causing terrorism.
Gosh, i'm amazed you don't see all this goodness coming from the war on terror. Think of all the sales that the military compnaies have gotten for smart bombs and duct tape... what incredible godly goodness has come from that!.... its soooo sublime the ways of the deep spiritual god of the nutter-christain right. "look, we did not mass murder a million people.... clealry GOD has spoken."