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Whatever happened to good ol' scandals? Such as.....

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bobweaver Donating Member (953 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jan-14-05 02:34 AM
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Whatever happened to good ol' scandals? Such as.....
Edited on Fri Jan-14-05 03:33 AM by bobweaver
The Dian Parkinson Story: Isn't it high time the truth comes out?
The Whiskey Ring Scandal: Who drinks to it now?
Koreagate: Can anyone even remember it and if anyone can, where are they now?
Travelgate: So where's the fact-based TV drama about it?
The 1950s Quiz Shows Scandal: Did we get it all wrong?
The Tonya Harding - Nancy Kerrigan scandal: Was Connie Chung ever found?
The House Bank Scandal: Who finally paid theirs back?
The Savings and Loan Scandal: How did that ever happen anyway?
The Mayflower Madam: Where's that little black book today?
The Kiss between Madonna and Britney Spears: What did it ever lead to?
The Whitewater Scandal: Did Anyone Ever actually understand this?
The John Wayne Bobbitt scandal: Where is 'it' now?
Spiro T. Agnew: Was that all a bad dream?
Alberto Fujimori: Hey, what was a Jap doing being president of Peru anyway?
The outing of Jim McGreevey: So did those guys hook up or not?
Janet Jackson's nipple ornament: Who's wearing it now?
Iran-Contra: So where are Iran and the Contras today?
Shirley Babashoff: Where is she today and was she right after all?
Hugh Grant: Where is the prositute today and how is she doing?
The Lennon Sisters' bitter dispute with Lawrence Welk over money - what was the final deal?
The Chandra Levy disappearance: What does Gary Condit think now?
The supposed "gay rumors" about Prince Charles that never even got published, yet he still officially denied them - where are the perpetrators now?
The thing with Ted Kennedy and the bridge at Chappaquiddick: Why didn't the right make more hay out of it?
The shocking fact that only one in every 1000 Americans can name who was Vice President under Gerald Ford - it's the scandal that will not go away.
The International Olympic Committee bribery scandal: How much are they these days?
The Clarence Thomas hearings featuring Anita Hill: Why is Broadway dragging its heels on this one?
Firestone-Bridgestone: Did we tire of it or did it just fall flat?
When Madge told that woman she was soaking her hands in Palmolive liquid: How did the court case end up?
The "Paul is dead" thing - where are they today?
The Scott Peterson trial - who the hell were these people before it ever happened, and what qualified this as a nationwide news story?

There must be more, help me out.....
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Hardrada Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jan-14-05 03:40 AM
Response to Original message
1. Some More
Sherman Adams and the Vicuna Coat. Was the coat for Mamie?
The Dixon-Yates Scandal. Are any of the participants still alive?
The Great Salad Oil scandal. Did LBJ have something to do with this?
Payola!! What did Dick Clark know?
The Teapot Dome Scandal. Where is that oil when we need it?
The phony Howard Hughes biography and why did someone go to jail for it?
Tammany Hall. Very productive of scandals. What happened to it?
The Burr and Hamilton Duel. What the hell was that all about?
Not a scandal but what about the giant rabbit that was paddling along behind Jimmy Carter's little swamp boat and causing much concern?
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