Take your average family here in Missouri(about as average for the nation as I can think of). They're working two jobs, have a mortage, a couple of kids, credit card debt of around four or five thousand. They're struggling to do too many things, keep it together financially, spend time with their kids, make sure their kids are doing OK in school, get them to soccer practice and what have you, spend a little personal time together, get enough sleep, worrying about where college tuition is going to come from, much less that magical thing called retirement, working their asses off, and all they want to do at the end of the day is catch the news, put their mind in neutral, and unwind a little before going to bed so they can get up in the morning and do it all over again.
They don't have the time nor energy like you and I do to go search out on the internet to find real news, see what's really going on. They listen to Rush daily while running around doing errands at lunch, because he's entertaining, and he touches that deep sense of angst that keeps nagging at the back of the head, he has all the easy answers. They watch the news at night, though they think that everybody except Fox is horribly liberal, and why not? That point, along with many more, has been repeatedly pounded into their head for the past sixteen years or more. They trust the news to report honestly, and again, they simply don't have the time and energy to find out.
They want to feel proud of their country, and the secret of both Reagan and Bush II is that they say the right things to make this feeling of pride swell to jingoistic proportions. After 911 they became angry, but mainly fearful, and that fear has been played on relentlessly. These people are easily swayed, and Bushco has been relentless in exploiting that. Their education was usually limited, and in this era of grade inflation and degree inflation, the education that they received was vastly weaker than that of their parents and grandpartents, ill equipping them for discerning the subtle and not so subtle propaganda that they've been bombarded with all of their lives.
They started out their adult life as insecure, and that insecurity has been exploited. Thus, they cling to what they perceive as a strong authority figure, no matter what, and violently reject any view that contradicts their own, even in the face of overwhelming contrary evidence. One of these days they're going to be rich enough for the that tax cut to really kick in, and they want it in place for when they get there. During their formative years they were encouraged in their acts of racism, sexism, homophobia. It was fun to play "smear the queer", and yet here they are thirty years later, and those damn liberals are taking away all that fun, being all tolerant and PC, and insisting that they have to be also. And yet why should they be tolerant, especially towards those damn liberals. They sit up in their elitist ivory towers, with their fancy schmancy degrees looking down on the rest of us because we've only got a bachelors, or an associates, or horrors, no degree at all. And those damn liberals are always making fun of rednecks, and born again Christians, and white culture in general. Where's their damn tolerance then?
So thus they buy into the whole Bushco schtick. They want an authoritarian figure in charge, they want a guy who stutters a little, who even though he went to Hahvahd is just a regular guy like they are, easy to drink a beer with(and yes, has a little trouble with the bottle, but hell, who doesn't). He plays into all of their fears and insecurities, and yes, even their hopes and dreams. And thus, through an adroit combination of fear, promises and brainwashing, Bushco and the RW retain the undying loyalty of a great many Americans.
But Bush better step lightly. If he fucks up, if he goes to far and these supporters see him for who he truly is, well, hell hath no fury like a dittohead scorned.