Monitor: Before duping, please note that this is a story within a story in a rush transcript of an interview on SS reform that exposes yet another blatant attempt by the Bush Administration to propagandize the public...also is Cheney's latest speech to scare the public about SS...
AMY GOODMAN: Roger Hickey is with us, Co-director of the Campaign for America's Future, part of a coalition to protect Social Security. The other day we called the Social Security hotline to get some information. When you're put on hold, this is what you hear:
SOCIAL SECURITY HOTLINE: Thanks for holding. A representative will be with you shortly. Did you know that the 76 million strong baby boom generation will begin to retire in about 10 years? When that happens, changes will be need to be made to Social Security, changes to make sure there's enough money to continue paying full benefits, and most experts agree, the sooner those changes are made, the less they are going to cost.
AMY GOODMAN: Roger Hickey of the Campaign for America's future. Your response to this message on hold, taxpayer funded Social Security administration where people call to get information.
ROGER HICKEY: Well, this is just one of the campaigns that the administration is doing. This is not unusual. We have seen them do packaged pseudo-newsclips (much more..) is frigging unbelievable...I know what the old message said, it assured people that there was plenty of funds to pay through the year 2050 something...unbelievable attempt at propaganda!