is a FOX NEWS American. HAS to be. That is the ONLY POSSIBLE answer to her incredible and complete stupidity.
Yes there were weapons Editor -- The United States has ended the hunt for weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, with the press here and abroad describing the effort as an abject failure that turned up no evidence whatsoever that Saddam Hussein had possessed such weapons.
Oh, really?
Then what about the 1.8 tons of partially enriched uranium Hussein had socked away? Its purpose, no doubt, was to be used in a so-called "dirty bomb. " This discovery was considered by Energy Secretary Spencer Abraham to be "a major achievement" in an attempt to "keep potentially dangerous nuclear material out of the hands of terrorists."
Moreover, 10 or 12 sarin and mustard rounds of poison gas were found last June.
And let's not forget those 30 Iraqi jet fighters that weapons searchers found buried in the sand at an airfield west of Baghdad. Planes aren't typically buried unless someone is trying to deny access to them.
I hope President Bush, instead of focusing on poor intelligence-gathering, points out these finds to the American people.
The good that has come from Saddam Hussein's removal is not diminished by the intent of the left to discredit.
Benicia CA GRIEF!1. I presume all readers of DU are fully informed as to the FACT that the YELLOWCAKE at Tuwaitha plant in Iraq was safely kept UNDER UN SEAL FOR 12 YEARS until bush IGNORED the IAEA's pleas to ensure the site was kept secured during bush's invasion.
For freepofascist lurkers who may possibly be as dumb as Alison, links to the FACTS; DEBUNKED. Obviously Alison watched Fox News, coz they are the ONLY "media" who didn't ever bother carrying "Oops we didn't find em" retractions.
Warheads found in Iraq not chemical weapons, military says Iraq was ALLOWED to have fighter jets; they were NEVER a part of the UN prohibited items.
4. Why Alison! Are you calling BUSH A LIAR??? Coz ya do know BUSH HIMSELF has admitted publicly that Iraq had no WMD?
Bush, Cheney admit Iraq had no WMD, take new tack, Cheney Finally Admit Saddam Had No WMDs Dear Alison, you stupid little fool, just WHEN did CHENEY and POPPA BUSH and BRENT SCOWCROFT et al become the "LEFT"???
A list, dear Alison, of all those "LEFT" who are only trying to "discredit" your bush-god;, ALison MUST be a Fox News watcher. No one else is as totally stupid as they.