One thing they say is that if you want clues to the future-read the past. Even more useful when today they are giving us a version of reality that is untreality.
This is from the Newsweek dated September 24, 2001: had searched the web for this link (never tried to buy the issue) because it has this information never reported elsewhere:
"On Sept. 10, NEWSWEEK has learned, a group of top Pentagon officials suddenly canceled travel plans for the next morning, apparently because of security concerns."
Of course that was never followed up on. El slip of the tongue, and down the memory hole.
Then we have delicious bits like this:
"Congress will no doubt hold hearings to assign the fault for a massive failure of intelligence." in blame and responsiblity? That's a good one!
And then they give Condi her line..
"But no one even dreamed that four airliners would be hijacked and plunged into targets in New York and Washington."
And lastly:
"Civil libertarians may balk, but never underestimate the desire for revenge."
Especially when the real bad guys walk and you can blame Saddam.
Too bad they didn't add a bit about using fear and grief to propagandize a whole country into fascism. Oh well, they got it mostly right.
This inspired by reading that Sibel Edmonds was vindicated recently. The truth is out there.