All this crap about text books having disclaimers that say "Evolution is not a fact but a theory" has really just about put me over the edge and made me want to scream! The stupidity in this country is maddening!
I say the Bible should have a disclaimer in it that says:
"This book contains information that is wrong and goes against all laws of science, the laws of physics, gravity, nature and common sense. When reading it we recommend you laugh your ass off and skip to the good parts which are few and far between. Please keep in mind that men were paid to put this together and it promotes many evil things including rape, slavery and murder. It is riddled with thousands of contradictions and for Christ sake who ever would believe that all the animals in the world went two by two on to a boat during a flood that crashed on a mountain that is 29,000 foot tall must have the mentality of a three year old child. If you find yourself believing in the things in this book you should immediately get help by getting a real education and TURN OFF the trinity broadcasting misinformation cult network. We also recommend you learn to think for yourself and read lots of books that will open your small mind so you can become well again. It's now time to become an adult again and re-enter the modern world leaving fairy-tails, story's of men walking on water and giant serpents that are no where to be found in the fossil record behind. If you do not do these things then god help us all!"
It's so funny and sad, but based on scientific observation, the probability of the creation theory of the Bible being true is basically Zero. But walking on water for some reason does not need to be observed by scientific rules, it's given a free pass. This is what is called "Intellectual Anarchy." Creationists love "Intellectual Anarchy" because it's the only way they can win. The state of education in this country is scary!