Bartlett "replied" to an e-mail I wrote against privatizing social security. He did not answer me with a yes or no on question. He did not mention the word "privatization." Instead he wrote a classic political dodge. "Please rest assured, my priorities are not to further a political agenda, but to preserve Social Security for benefit of our nation's seniors. Pleas note I received the Seniors Have No Finer Friend Award from the nonpartisan senior organization 60 Plus in both 2001 and 2002, demonstrating my commitment to these issues." I e-mailed him just now asking for a yes or no answer on privatization. Does anyone know any inside stuff about Bartlett? Is he sane? I voted for Kenneth Bosley his democrat opponent last election, but Bosley lost because the Sixth District of MD is very red. I worry when both my congressman and my pResident evade questions like this.