is he more presidential? This is real shallow observation of course, but if he had REAL political savvy, he would of started parting his hair properly the day he realized he wanted to run for president. A lot of you roll your eyes, but I already admitted it's shallow. That said...it is still true. If Kucinich needed someone else to tell him to part his hair cuz there's this thing called "the media" and this little phenomenon called "media image", then where was his Beatled head, that he had not figured this out a long time ago...at least he should have figured it out the day he realized he was gonna run. Was he born yesterday? No. So it makes me suspicious how seriously he takes his chances, if he can't even bother to do a comb over (until recently). I know the defences..."he is too concerned about the issues to make his hair a priority." Hey! he was putting HIMSELF out there as a candidate. He is not ethereal, he lives in a body like the rest of us. He is not bald. He has a mirror, hopefully at least one, in his house. He knows about "TV", right? News? Pictures, video? Again, the day he said to himself, I am going to run, he should have combed back and over, not forward and down. Shallow. Oh yeah. But a bunch of you agree with me. The ones who don't, well...don't wig out on me.