less then he trusts the dems, so that means he's further left? I think it should depend upon how strong your ideals are and if you practice them in everyday life.
I agree that the Dem party is dissapointing lately, and hard to trust any politicians, but how do we know that Nader, or Cobb or anyone would be any better? (ok, Nader has demonstrated his ideals well, but who's to say he's not vulnerable to caving and losing some spine to keep a foot in the door?)
he also ranks on dems in general, when I noted that our leaders don't necessarily represent us as well as we'd like, and power corrupts the corruptable. he noted that 50% of dems surveyed said they supported the invasion of Iraq (way back when) which doesn't seem like it should characterize the party, until now the peace movement was pretty much on the fringes, important but not that much of a priority considering the US was not at war, so while some of us always considered that an ideal and gave some dep thought to peace/war before 9-11, a lot of dems were thinking aboit the environment, discrimination, reproductive rights, worker's rights, etc, which are solid values. while I'm disappointed in the attitude towards war that a surprising number of dems hold, I still think that other values are alive and well among the dem voters. then again, just voting a certain way doesn't mean a person practices or gives much thought to those values, or even knows what they are, sadly enough.