1. Introduction
2. According to the RW, people who oppose Alberto Gonzales are un-
3. The RW and Opposition to Tolerance
1. Introduction
We Liberals need to make the world realize that it is the people who
are in the Right Wing, not us, who are against freedom and democracy.
This publication will help the world realize that.
2. According to the RW, people who oppose Alberto Gonzales are un-
According to the RW, it is not OK to oppose Gonzales on any grounds,
and so what the RW doing is the complete opposite of Democracy. I
personally don't want a treaty with terrorists, but what people like
Gonzales does is encourage them, because it sure doesn't drive them
"The National Review's Andrew McCarthy argues that those who oppose
Alberto Gonzales for U.S. Attorney General are essentially suggesting
that we should make a treaty with al Qaeda. Gonzales, McCarthy
writes, is "one of those sticks-in-the-mud who thinks we shouldn't
treat al Qaeda terrorists as if we had a treaty with them, and that
we shouldn't accord the privileges and immunities of honorable
warfare to barbarians. For such positions has he been castigated by a
hastily assembled group of retired military brass with a recent
history of anti-Bush activism, the American Civil Liberties Union,
and the usual cabal of `human- rights activists' who, though they've
never met a terrorist they wouldn't coddle, don't seem to get
particularly whipped up over humans whose work day is interrupted by
hijacked jumbo jets crashing through office windows.""
http://www.nationalreview.com/mccarthy/mccarthy200501050715.aspI don't know anybody on the Left who wants a treaty with terrorists.
But, I have a statement for McCarthy, are we no better than the
terrorists? Every day we keep these laws, we prove we are better than
Al Qaeda and other terrorists. And keeping true to these laws will be
much more impressive to the Muslims in the Middle East than killing
The Wall Street Journal's James Taranto takes a similar tack:
The "Democrats' obsession with treating terrorists nicely bespeaks a
dangerous moral vanity. They seem to think it is worth increasing the
risk of another 9/11--or worse--in order for America to avoid the
taint of being accused by the likes of the Red Cross of
acts `tantamount to torture,' whatever that means."
http://www.opinionjournal.com/best/?id=110006111Keeping Bush as President also increases the risk of another 9/11, it
after all did happen while he was President.
Linda Chavez, president of the Center for Equal Opportunity, writes
that Alberto Gonzales "deserves better than he's likely to get at the
hands of Senate Democrats this week." Chavez dismisses questions
about his commitment to human rights, saying "it's quite a stretch to
blame Gonzales for the rogue sex and torture ring run by a handful of
perverted American soldiers at Abu Ghraib prison."
http://www.townhall.com/columnists/lindachavez/lc20050105.shtml3. The RW and Opposition to Tolerance
The American Family Association claims that children's television
characters are being used as a "bait and switch" to "indoctrinate
children to accept homosexuality" in the new DVD from the We Are
Family Foundation. SpongeBob SquarePants, Barney the Dinosaur, Dora
the Explorer and Bob the Builder are among those popular characters
featured in a remake of the song "We Are Family" being distributed to
public and private elementary schools to promote diversity and
tolerance in the classroom.
http://headlines.agapepress.org/archive/1/afa/42005c.aspIt is 'evil' and there must be some kind of 'dark conspiracy' if
somebody is different from you. Democracy is formed from Tolerance,
Diversity, and a multitude of cultures, lifestyles, religions, and
promoting uniformity in all of this is exactly what a person or a
group of people who hated democracy would do.