First, housekeeping: It was on Faux because when I drowsily turned it on then fell asleep, CNN had an-oh-so-important segment on Shrub's "NEXT FOUR YEARS"------so, CLICK!
So the weekender Faux'n'friends, who are a tad less overtly wingnut and even fluffier than the weekday ones were hosting some pompous old Brit who was laying into the Royals in general over the kid's HITLER Youth wish.
What was his take? Not something obvious like the kid is just returning to his roots and doing what comes naturally politically to his family.
No, it was that he and the rest of them are surrounded by sychophant retainers who are intimidated by the Royals and therefore tell them ONLY WHAT THEY WANT TO HEAR. That certainly would answer my what-were-they-thinking question, as in, when this brat was first fingering the uniform, was there NO ONE around who could put a finger to the temple and say, "Uh, I'm channeling Sir Thomas MORE and he doesn't think this would be a good idea"?
O.K., so WHAT example from the American scene did this blowhard come up with that Faux viewers could relate to (regarding sychophants and being told what is wanted)?--------could it be SHRUB, who fulfills BOTH criteria to the max? Or even NIXON? Why, NO, the name that most trippingly came to HIS mind was--------------LBJ!
Then, he was in full frontal righteousness over ALL of them Royals, although his licking at them was cautionary against their being kicked out on their parasitic arses. He said that the POOR queen is JUST so put-upon because WHAT does she HAVE in a family?------"A husband who is prone to gaffes and is a BOOR! A son who has spent his entire life chasing after a woman totally unfit to be (something-or-other, BORN?), and now these two boys, the Nazi one who will be reminded of this Nazi episode EVERY TIME he does something ELSE!"
So what was his Shrub-o-reference this time? He said that if this particular batch of Royals didn't watch their stilletto heels they would find that "REPUBLICANISM" would grow and grow!
Yes, I know that "republic" refers to a form of government, but I wager that 90% of Faux viewers visualize NASCAR, God, and Dan COULTER when they hear that word.