This is an online petition inspired by DUer BR_Parkway. I think it's an outstanding idea, and decided to put TBTM's backing behind it.
President Bush used his January 15, 2005 Radio Address to tell the nation that Social Security is in danger, and that his plan is the only way to save Social Security for future generations.
Congress is elected by us, and they serve at the pleasure of their constituents. So, if those who want to privatize Social Security are really looking out for us, if they believe that we need to 'save' Social Security and that Bush's plan is the best way to go, they will make a good-faith effort to prove it to us.
Let them invest their retirement money in the stock market. Let's see our elected representatives pony up their retirement money and give us a live demonstration over the next four years of how Bush's plan will work.
All investment into privatized accounts shall be in compliance with the letter of Bush's proposal, with no variation from the proposed plan. At the end of the four-year period, each Congressman and Senator will publish a full, open accounting of the money invested into his or her private Social Security account for review by the media and their constituents.
If, at the end of four years, the privatized accounts show a profit, then Bush's plan should be signed into law without debate. If the accounts show a loss at the end of four years, then a law should be passed expressly prohibiting privatization of Social Security in any way, shape or form.
Few issues will affect all Americans the way this issue will. The American people will be willing to give Congress and the President the benefit of the doubt, provided they put their money where their mouths are and give us a demonstration of how Social Security privatization will work. Let Congress go first!Read here: here: to call their bluff. They're good at playing with
our money - let's see if they believe in Bush's plan enough to play with their own.