DC, Press Release/Call to Action, 01/13/05
January 13, 2005
For more information contact:
Bill Moyer, Executive Director, Backbone Campaign
(206) 463-4784/ or
Amy Morrison, Managing Director
Call for Participation: Deliver a Spine to DNC Headquarters
The Backbone Campaign is asking progressives to join an action at the Democratic National Committee Headquarters, Friday, January 21 starting at 11:30 AM at Folger Park, 2nd and D Streets SE in Washington DC. From there they will process to DNC Headquarters and make three demands of the Democratic Party: new progressive leadership, a bold grassroots strategy and a clear progressive agenda.
To symbolize these three demands the Backbone Campaign will bring its 70 foot puppet of a human spine, with progressive agenda planks written on each vertebra. As the puppet undulates through the streets, festival artists with the Backbone Campaign will lead citizens singing, dancing, and calling for a bold new direction. Specifically, they will be urging voting DNC members to honor their values and vision and and elect former Vermont Governor and Presidential Candidate Howard Dean to DNC Chair, to amend the Democratic Party Platform to include the Voter's Bill of Rights, and for Congressional Democrats to vehemently oppose privatizing of social security and dangerous cabinet and judicial appointments.
"Progressives need to seize this opportunity to say, 'We will not be taken for granted!'" says Bill Moyer, Executive Director of the Backbone Campaign. "The DNC has relied on progressives to swell its ranks, while we hold our noses and sacrifice our values to provide a united stand for the sake of elections. Enough is enough. Progressives are not a threat to the Democratic Party. We are its only future. Without the support of the progressive grassroots, the Democratic Party is doomed to irrelevance."