system and a connection to the consulting/accounting firm (a la ENRON) Andersen?
Or maybe I'm lumping two different stories together. But I remember hearing about the FBI computer programming problem about the same time that Enron and Andersen consulting were being investigated a few years ago. I think Andersen may have had a contract with the FBI or some such thing.
On edit: Found this in a google -
Andersen picked for FBI review
BY Christopher J. Dorobek
July 23, 2001
The Justice Department has selected Andersen to conduct a comprehensive review of the FBI, including its antiquated computer systems.
The study is being undertaken on behalf of Justice's Strategic Management Council, a new organization that Attorney General John Ashcroft created to provide long-range planning. Ashcroft said that the council's review will include a management study of the FBI's policies and practices focusing on information technology, personnel, crisis management and other issues.
The FBI has been reeling from problems in recent years, including the discovery this year of its failure to turn over thousands of documents in connection with the trial of Oklahoma City bomber Timothy McVeigh. The delay in handing over those documents has been blamed in part on the FBI's inadequate computers.
Ashcroft, in a June 20 memo to deputy attorney general Larry Thompson, ordered the comprehensive review to "identify and recommend actions dedicated to improving and upgrading the performance of the FBI."
The contract specifies that "Andersen will evaluate the organizational structure and mission of the FBI, including the agency's own perception of its mission and core values and how well its organizational structure is suited to identify and act on institutional and operational problems," Justice said.
Andersen will review the FBI's policies, practices and procedures in several other areas:
* The way the agency approaches the procurement and maintenance of IT systems.
* Its records and data management.
* Its approach to human resources management, including the recruitment, selection, hiring and retention of employees, as well as its approach to human capital planning and resource deployment.
* The manner in which the bureau reacts to crises, emphasizing the effectiveness of its communication structure, its decision-making and command authority, and the relation of headquarters officials to those in field offices.
Justice awarded the contract from a competition using the General Services Administration's Management, Organizational, and Business Improvement Services contract, department officials said....cont'd