Dear Congresswoman
Well lets be claer, what the right has desired since 1932 us to dismantle Social Security. they will use any language needed to destroy this system, which by the GAO estimates is more than just safe until 2042.
Now lets examine what they are proposing:
1.- Borrow anywhere from two to three TRILLION dollars to transfer funds to Wall Street. This will be a boom for Wall Street, whicn incidentally is chomping at the bit... Not that we have that moneyanyway but that furthers the plan to bankrupt the country. Incidentally one effect is starting to become aparent, this deficit has waekened us to the point that we will not be able to afford replacing Air Force Fighetrs, weakening the country. Ironic yes, predictable, absolutely.
2.-This program is based on the British experience implemented by Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher in the 1980s, I don't know if you are aware of this, but the British Goverment is facing the creation of a whole new program or accepting Elderly destitution. This is what the RadCons want by the way. They don't care.
3.- It is also based on the Chilean and Argentinian Experience (so is the fall of the Dollar but that is another matter). Care to tell me where either of those two nation's middle classes are right at the moment? Oh yes so severely squeezed it is not even funny. Reality is Cheap Labor Conservatives desire for that state of affairs, and the Oligarchy really does not need a middle class.
Now as to the use of language. Please stop using Credit Card Party frames (republican, they have put the nation on an incredible no limits credit card) and call a space a space. What they desire to do is DESTROY the system and create a new oligarchy. By the way, check the economic indicators between oh 1926-1929, and you are in for a surprise. We have been lucky, so far, to avoid an econmic meltdown, but these Neo Hooverian Economic Piolicies will elad to one. Oh and by the way, here is a peice of trivia for you, as a Historian I happen to know those things: You do KNOW the year the United States Communist Party got the most votes, don't yuo? If you guessed 1932 you were right on the money. Any historian known his or her salt knows why, the misery index was extremely high. Check the current misery index. Yuo will have a problem fiding it by the way, since the Bushies no longer publish it, but by my calculations it is quickly reaching the 70% mark in some places of the country. THis means riots are not that far away, oh and Ohio will not be forgotten by many, just as Florida has not. I will be paying attention, The party abandons US the people on Social Security or other mission critical issues, yuo an expect no money, no volunterer work or for athat matter membership... there are other parties... so we are watching... and we expect yuo folks to put up a fight like yuo have never before. I knwo more than one demoract ready to vote for anybody but either democrat or republican if the party abandons its principles. It is long overdue the time to fight...
Speaking of fighting I wil work for Senator Boxer, she chose to fight... that should be a message... but if these critical issues are surrendered... and yes I DO watch C-SPAN on a regular basis...