January 15th, 2005 6:48 pm
Ways to Hold a Student Walkout
http://www.michaelmoore.com/words/index.php?id=9611. WALK OUT FOR ENTIRE DAY
Show up to school, go to your first hour class. When the bell rings (or the class starts), get up and leave the school.
Same as above, pick the hour everyone will leave, then leave and return for the next hour's class.
When the bell rings for your last hour class, get up and leave. Hold protest outside school.
1. Make sure you notify the local press you are going to do this. The only way for your actions to have nationwide impact is if the public knows of your actions.
2. Be completely nonviolent and peaceful. Do not cause any harm to person or property, even if you are confronted by those who disagree with you.
3. Tell your parents what you are going to do (if you have the kind of parents you can tell).
4. When you leave the school grounds, hold a peaceful protest outiside and then have a place for students to go and meet up to discuss what four more years of George W. Bush means and how we are going to deal with it.
5. Most schools will seek to stop this protest. They will promise severe punishment if you participate. This is their idea of teaching you how to be citizens in a fee society that is supposed to honor and encourage and RESPECT dissent. You can choose to listen to them or not. You must be able to accept the consequences they will use against you. Of course, if hundreds of students at your school participate, they will have a harder time punishing everybody -- so get as many students in the next few days to agree to participate. Strength in numbers! If you need any sort of legal help if you believe your rights are violated, contact your local American Civil Liberties Union. Most important, don't let the administrators in your school intimidate you with suspensions that may "cost you getting into the college of your choice, etc. etc." They are not telling you the truth. Good universities like students who stand up for what they believe in.
6. Remember, the most important thing is to ORGANIZE as many students as possible for the three days leading up to this Thursday. Decide what's right for your school in terms of the protest you hold.
And make sure the media knows about it!