about Iraq wmd.
http://moveleft.comExcept from related article I wrote:
There are parallels between Bush's Iraq fearmongering and Social Security fearmongering. Each is intended to provoke a radical response instead of a rational response.
The rational response to the situation in Iraq before the war would have been to let the inspectors continue their work. The rational response to the situation with Social Security is to raise the cap such that earnings above $87,000 are taxed for FICA.
Bush's answer is a radical response in each case.
Bush's friends are getting rich off the Iraq War, and they will get rich off his Social Security scheme if it passes Congress.
To put Bush's fearmongering on Social Security into context, view the video linked at-the-bottom-of-this-article on how the Bush Admin. hyped Iraq's non-existent weapons-of-mass destruction.
Note that at the time Colin Powell made his infamous presentation to the UN, Feb. 5, 2003, Powell's intelligence analyst on wmd, Greg Thielmann, knew the evidence was bogus ("The Man Who Knew" 60 Minutes, Feb. 4, 2004.)
http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2003/10/14/60II/main577975.shtmlThe video linked below about wmd seems to have been made in 2004.