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Cincinnati brags about critical role in reselecting Bush (ready to party!)

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theHandpuppet Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-16-05 07:36 AM
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Cincinnati brags about critical role in reselecting Bush (ready to party!)
Edited on Sun Jan-16-05 07:38 AM by theHandpuppet
WARNING -- Have your barf bags at the ready!

From today's Cincy Enquirer:

A presidential party
Ohio merits front-row seat at inaugural

By Carl Weiser, Enquirer Washington Bureau
and Howard Wilkinson, Enquirer staff writer

WASHINGTON - When President Bush gives his second inaugural address Thursday, he'll be looking due west, toward the throngs on the National Mall, the Potomac River - and, if his gaze could travel far enough, to the Queen City, which can just about claim to have re-elected him president.

Fortunately, Bush won't have to look that far to see all the Southwest Ohioans who helped make him president.

Hundreds are coming for the speech, the parade, and the parties - getting their reward for helping a guy from Texas win the White House again.

"There's a high probability the president wouldn't be president without Southwest Ohio," said Gov. Bob Taft, who chaired Bush's Ohio campaign.

Much more (it's a long and eye-opening article) Sounds like its time for a blue boycott of anything Cincinnati!
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Jayster84 Donating Member (84 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-16-05 09:50 AM
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1. Come on.
There's alot of blame to go around. Go ahead and boycott things from companies that sponsor the repukes. But, there are alot of good democrats here that tried really hard to get * out. Anyway, you'll have to stop showering and washing your clothes, because Proctor and Gamble makes just about all of the soap in the hemisphere.
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saltpoint Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-16-05 10:27 AM
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2. SW Ohio is awfully conservative.
Lots of red voters in other places, too, so plenty of blame to be had.

But SW Ohio is a real retro zone all around. The Christian Right is very, very strong there.

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neebob Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-16-05 10:58 AM
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3. The most undesirable person I've ever known was from Cincinnati
Not only the biggest, most disgusting bum imaginable, but also a raging freeper from hell. Ugh! The mere mention of Cincinnati makes my skin crawl.
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