The real Jesus, not the New American Jesus of Bushland. The real Jesus would most likely be quite upset with this brain damaged coke whore boozer maniac who takes His name in vain so often.
"Hey George, I thought you said you were compassionate, yet you've murdered over 100,000 of My Father's innocent children, how do you justify it George?"
"I thought you said you followed My teachings, so how did 'blessed are the peacemakers' become 'kill them all and let God sort them out?"
"I thought you said you'd help the poor, like I admonished, yet you murder the least among us and give succor and comfort only to the obscenely wealthy, what's up with that huh?"
"I told you that only the merciful will obtain mercy, but you have shown NO MERCY to the innocent people of Afghanistan and Iraq, how do you justify this contradiction?"
"Shouldn't you comfort the mourners who've lost loved ones in your phony war, for it is blessed to comfort them, as I have said, yet I don't see you at ANY soldier's funerals, can you explain this?"
"The meek would inherit the Earth, if you would only let them, but you steal the very Earth under their feet and call it your own, and everything on it, and make it poison with your spent uranium armaments, how do you square this with your 'Christian soul'?"
"What of they that thirst and hunger for justice, your answer seems to be to simply lock them up with no visits from relatives or lawyers and torture them unto death, are you really that evil George?"
"And what of they who suffer persecution for justice sake?... why are you persecuting those who have never done you any harm?" "And why have you brought down all this suffering and death on the people of Iraq, who have already suffered immeasurably?"
"The clean of heart shall see God because they are blessed by Me, but what of your heart George? I see it is not clean at all, but blackened by the blackest darkest evil seen since the 1940's." "Your heart George, is so burdened with the evil you have bestowed, I fear that your only reward will be eternal damnation".
"It's not too late George". "Have you ever watched that old movie, "It's a wonderful life"? "You can still save your immortal soul, if you are a serious Christian, remember Ebenezer Scrooge"?
"But I doubt you'll take advantage of any Biblical loopholes, because I know and YOU know that you are not a real Christian". "I know who you really serve, and I've dealt with him many times".
"So George, do me and everybody else a favor and just stop pretending to be a Christian, and just come out and say the truth, that you and your's support the Great Liar and Deceiver, not Me".