Did Christian Fundamentalist George Bush conspire with the Saudi Arabian Royal family (the Bin Ladens) to attack the US on 911?
Bush reads 'My Pet Goat' while the Twin Towers burn
Consider this:
1. Everyone knows that when bombings happen in other countries of the world politicians gain power. They gain that power by declaring war on the supposed terrorists or rebels.
2. Bush sat in a class room safely in Florida (convenient time to be out of Washington) for approx 7 minutes after being informed that the US was under attack. Was he allowing the attackers time to finish their agreed upon attack? The expression on George Bush’s face was not one of concern it was more one of 'Here we go as planned, I will be glad when this is over.'
3. The mysterious 911 anthrax mailer was never identified and arrested. The FBI intentionally misdirected public attention to a man by the name of Steven Hatfill calling him a "person of interest". Hatfill apparently had nothing to do with the anthrax letters but that didn’t keep the FBI from slandering him on a nearly daily basis to make it look like they had their man. He is now suing the US government and will probably win.
4. The price of oil has raised significantly since the US entered Iraq. Would it not be in the best Interests of the Saudis (Bin Laden family) to get rid of Saddam Hussein if he was keeping the price of oil too low for their liking by continuing to sell oil through the back-door while he was under UN sanctions. There is a finite amount of oil in Saudi Arabian oil fields, it will eventually run out. So they would sure want to make as much as they can from it before that happens.
5. Christian Fundamentalist Bush and his Christian Fundamentalist administration would like to have the US be officially declared a Christian country run on purely biblical principals, outlawing anything that does not agree with the Bible. This is required by their faith as to prepare the world for God. By orchestrating the 911 attacks with the Saudis he could justify clamping down on the civil rights of US citizens, which would be required by the new Christian Fundamentalist state. The old Constitution would be obsolete in the new Christian country of the US.
6. Immediately after the attacks Bush grounded all domestic air traffic but helped co-ordinate the speedy exit of the Bin Laden family via jet aircraft while the rest of our country’s aircraft were still grounded and our citizens in shock. Why would he do this if he was not already aware of who was responsible and that there was value to them remaining in the US? If they were not guilty or of some value why the urgent need to get them out of the country while our entire nation’s aircraft were still grounded?
7. The vast majority of 911 hijackers (15 of the 19) were Saudis. (Numbers vary by source)
8. What are the odds that the world’s most successful terrorist would happen to be named Bin Laden?
9. What are the odds a terrorist such as Bin Laden could escape the most powerful nation in the world, a task even Saddam Hussein was not able to do?
10. The 911 attacks have conveniently diverted American's attention away from the Bush administration’s implementation of electronic voting machines in the United States. The three main companies chosen to implement these computerized voting are ES&S, Diebold and Sequia. All three companies appear to have seriously troubling links to far right Christian Fundamentalists groups and the Bushes. Bush’s brand of Christianity believes that only white (or well connected) Christians should have the right to vote in the United States. This is a dangerous mix.
We now find ourselves in a situation where the United States government is nearly completely controlled by extreme right wing Christian Fundamentalists. The House, the Senate and the Presidency. Next stop, the Supreme Court.
If the Bushes have gained control of the computerized voting machines there is absolutely no way that Democrats can ever hope to get back into power in any branch of the US government in the new Christian Fundamentalist state of Bush. The secret “proprietary” voting programs will always favor the ‘correct’ Christian Republicans. Fox news, the Washington Times, Rush Limbaugh, UPI and a host of other far right media outlets will willing show corrupt polls that favor the Republican candidate and confirm their corrupt win.
Note: There are many websites and sources who have specific facts on the above. This is just a few items I threw together for reference.