One of the greatest Americans will have his birthday observed on Monday...years after he has been dead.
Since the PC police have been calling black folks "African-Americans," practically every major city in the U.S. has a Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Drive, boulevard, street...and most of them are in the ghettos. Go figure.
Every year now we have had Black History month. This February we will watch as a handful of black folks get together to celebrate scraps given to them by a system set out to systematically screw them over.
Juneteenth Day, Kwanzaa, Dr. King's birthday. In honor of Dr. King, the U.S. government will shut down post offices. Not fund health care, job programs, better public education, just make sure that Mr. Postman will not be delivering the L.L. Bean catalog for one day out of the year.
Oh yeah, and in the interest of appearing PC, printers make sure that their calendars mark these holidays.
Even some of the Freepers, wince as they probably do, use the phrase African-Americans in their bile-filled posts of hate-or "A.A.'s", as if being black is some kind of fucking 12-step program.
Liberals and Conservatives are both guilty of the problems of social injustice that these folks endure on a day-to-day basis. Yes, some of it IS a matter of personal accountability, but as the saying goes "...when you have nothing, you have nothing to lose."
The federal government may as well as declare a War on Poverty: Which is just another way of stating that there is no intention whatsoever in doing anything about it. It's a lot like bin Laden and the "War on Terra"-bin Laden is still out there somewhere while miles away, we beat the snot out of the Iraqis (who are now claiming that Hussein treated them better than Bush).
So, do I have a solution? Yes I do: health care, job programs, better public education. However, the federal government has decided to shift the money they bleed out of me every payday to fund a war that brings lucrative contracts to private corporations to kill more brown people.
I would like my tax money go to feed people who need it. Educate people who are stuck standing on an uneven scale. Putting an end to this economic apartheid and deliver health care to those who cannot afford it.
Rest in peace, Dr. King. America has plenty of reasons to be ashamed of itself.