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Maybe it's 'Burning Bed' time for the Republicans.

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scottxyz Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-16-05 02:37 PM
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Maybe it's 'Burning Bed' time for the Republicans.
Maybe it's Burning Bed time for the Republicans. Maybe, just maybe, the drunk asshole husband that the Republicans have been for the last couple of decades is about to get his comeuppance. We all know the scenario. The asshole beats the shit out the confused, nowhere-to-turn wife for years. After all that time, all those bruises, all those rapes-disguised-as-marital-sex, something snaps in the victimized wife. A smart man wouldn't turn his back on his poor, beaten wife, not for a second, but, drunk on liquor and power, this asshole husband does, not knowing that, finally, at long last, the wife takes matters into her own hands, throws gasoline on the husband and his bed and sets that asshole ablaze. Who knows what drives someone to such desperate acts - the cumulative effect of all the degradation and pain reaching the tipping point? The husband started to beat the kids? Whatever it is, we in the audience may shake our heads that society, oh, society, let it get to this point, but, c'mon, we still love it that the motherfucker burns.
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spooked911 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-16-05 02:42 PM
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1. I love the Rudepundit.
He strips things down to their most basic and crudest elements, and he's always a fun read.
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whistle Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-16-05 02:47 PM
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2. I say let the abused wife decide and we as a party...
...I'm assuming that you are drawing an analogy) the democrats stay out of the bed-room. That way the wife (spouse as it can cut both ways on gender) becomes responsible for her/his actions and can nor claim that outside influences made her/him do it. Thus, when the real republicans become fed-up and discussed by the irresponsible, self-centered and abusive actions of their leaders, they will be forced into taking drastic steps to stop them, like re-instituting the bill of rights and demanding accountability.
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