More along the same lines -- a repost of something I wroter earlier:
The more I read about Dominionism, the more I feel these Righties have been playing on the Media's fear of offending anyone (especially their advertisers!), and this has led to a less and less critical media.
The Dominionist game-plan (yes it turns out they even have a game-plan!) leans heavily on intimidation:The Integration of Theory and Practice:
A Program for the New Traditionalist Movementby Eric Heubeck (snip)
Movement Must Serve as a Force of Social Intimidation in Its Intermediate StageWe must create a countervailing force that is just as adept as the Left at intimidating people and institutions that are used as tools of left-wing activism but are not ideologically committed, such as Hollywood celebrities, multinational corporations, and university administrators. We must be feared, so that they will think twice before opening their mouths. They must understand that there is some sort of cost involved in taking a "controversial" stand--although positions cannot honestly be labeled "controversial" if conservatives are unable to mount a meaningful opposition. Perhaps once we are able to mount such an opposition, we will be able to take some of the trendiness out of leftist cultural activism, because lukewarm advocates of leftist causes will be forced to actually get their hands dirty. Support of leftist causes will no longer be the path of least resistance.
I think if you read some of their "training manual" you'll agree that if our cause took up the _exact same tactics_ their straw-man would start to falter and, probably very quickly, their bravado would evaporate.I hate to say it, but standing up en mass, and BELITTLING their cause could have more effect than anything. It seems their achilles heel is their reliance on Liberals to be TOLERANT! One thing that actually gets Liberals pissed off is realizing their tolerance has been taken advantage of.
If we, and the Media, get over the fear of offending these religious zealots (God bless them in their innocence!) their sham control could fall like a house of cards.
A good place to start is to "kick em in the balls"! I'm sure its very easy to start to deride the pagentry noting that its immature and un-Christ-like to lack the humility of proportion and caring about the greater problems of "the least among us"... I say give each of the 40 million hungry kids in America a buck for a coffee instead!
Resistance is not only possible, it may be a lot easier than anyone thought.
As a final piece of the puzzle, now that ** has fully admitted to his people that there were no WMDs, and thus no REAL reason to go to Iraq, there is no foundation of rightousness left for them to stand on.
They're vulnerable. It's time to take their tactics and fight their fire with fire.
I'm not scared of them anymore!