Edited on Sun Jan-16-05 04:51 PM by Trajan
It is a strawman fallacy .... it is ad hominem fallacy ....
And it is intentional ...
While Democrats have ruled in the past with a healthy agenda formed of social legislation .... it is false to call that agenda, it's intentions OR it's results 'socialism' ....
How one defines 'Socialism' can lead to misstatements or mischaracterizations ....
Here are some examples of Socialism defined:
Definitions of SOCIALISM on the Web:
a theory or system of social organization by which the major means of production and distribution are owned, managed, and controlled by the government, by an association or workers, or the community as a whole www.imuna.org/manual/app_a.html
an economic system in which the means of production are controlled by the state www.wwnorton.com/college/econ/stiglitz/glosss.htm
An economic and political system in which private property is abolished and the means of production (i.e., capital and land) are collectively owned and operated by the community as a whole in order to advance the interests of all. In Marxist ideology, socialism is considered an intermediate stage in the inevitable transformation of capitalism into communism. A socialist society is envisioned as being characterized by the dictatorship of the proletariat; the existence of a high degree of cooperation and equality; and the absence of discrimination, poverty, exploitation, and war. With the non-existence of private ownership, the private profit motive is eliminated from economic life. Consequently, market forces do not play a role in organizing the process of production. Instead, large-scale government planning is employed to ensure the harmonious operation of the process of production. www.indiana.edu/~ipe/glossry.html
A social system in which the means of producing and distributing goods are owned collectively and political power is exercised by the whole community. www.northland.cc.az.us/Pos221/resource/definiti.htm
A term covering many belief systems that oppose the concentration of wealth and power that is a natural part of capitalism. Whereas capitalists emphasize freedom for the individual to possess private property, socialists emphasize the well-being of the community. They strive to achieve this through many methods, including public ownership, regulation, and state-sponsored social programs. Socialism has taken on many different forms throughout the world, with varying degrees of success. Some socialists favour a gradual move away from unrestricted capitalism and the maintenance of a democratic society; others favour force to overthrow capitalism and distribute wealth. www.heritage.nf.ca/confederation/glossary.html
The view that the government should own and control major industries pittsford.monroe.edu/jefferson/calfieri/economics/EcoGlossary.html
government ownership of the means of production; leads to economic stagnation due to a lack of competition, innovation and productivity (examples: postal service, transportation, civil courts, education) www.stormy.org/defin.htm
The section outlined in italics is a prime example of how the right attempts to demonize the Democrats by false associations with the term and meaning of 'socialism' .... THAT is strawman bullshit .... THIS Sentence is revealing: "Some socialists favour a gradual move away from unrestricted capitalism and the maintenance of a democratic society;" .... so: One DOESNT have to want the state to own and control all or most forms of production to be a socialist in this view: one need only wish to 'restrict capitalism' while maintaining a 'democratic society' to be coined 'socialist' .... Hence one cannot even ATTEMPT to bring regulation into the marketplace, even the treacherous markets prior to the Great Depression, lest one be considered a 'socialist' ... It's a bunch of malarkey ....
Democrats have never nor will they advocate state ownership of the means of production ...... THAT is the basic definition of Socialism ...