This Human Rights Watch piece is old news now but can't find it on the board, so just delete it if it's a dupe.
“The U.S. government is less and less able to push for justice abroad,because it’s unwilling to see justice done at home,” said Kenneth Roth,executive director of Human Rights Watch.
Human Rights Watch urged the Bush administration to appoint a special prosecutor to investigate any U.S. officials who participated in, ordered or had command responsibility for torture or cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment. Human Rights Watch pointed out that senior administration officials have sought to blame the scandal on the young soldiers they sent to fight in Iraq and Afghanistan, instead of accepting responsibility themselves for the policies and orders that weakened the rules against torture and inhumane treatment."
“Governments facing human rights pressure from the United States now find it easy to turn the tables,” said Roth. “Washington can’t very well uphold principles that it violates itself.”'m so proud to be an American.