Great find and a great site. Its always good to hear from the other side of things. After all, the mythos of there being this angry brown horde of subhuman enemies out to get us is taken straight out of the context of Hitler's regime. I direct that comment at you people on the far right who want to kill all of the Iraqis because they are "terrorists".
The Muslim is the new Jew, and the phony patriots are the new NAZI party. You represent nothing of this nation, and you can just consider yourselves the Fourth Reich. Some of you take umbrage at this statement, while still others in your ranks hold this charge in the highest esteem. Some of you know what you do, yet others do not.
You have seen the renouncement of the hunt for WMDs in Iraq. If you dig for it, the BBC has a clip of Donald Rumsfeld telling reporters in a press conference that he never saw any evidence of any WMD in Iraq. Before the September 11th attacks, Colin Powell made a statement to the press that Iraq possessed no WMDs. You have been debunked.
If anybody of the right wing bent wants to quote this as another liberal idiot who is out of touch with reality, I suggest you follow this link: is a condensed excerpt from the
Nuremberg Diary by Gustave Gilbert. It discusses what Herman Goering said in an interview in his cell. The things you hold so dear as love for your country are played and manipulated by dictators, as described in the book.
Bush lied about WMDs, and the war still continues. Our troops are ill-prepared for combat (, now archived), and the total force sent to Iraq is much smaller than what was recommended. All these things hint at the sham of the conflict. Torture used in prisons is barred in the Geneva Convention, and this has been documented in photos on 60 Minutes II.
Some republicans on the Internet are angry with the Bush administration, and some are coming out of the right wing camp altogether. Many Republicans that I know are very angry with Bush, but don't voice this online. Some day in the future we will look back and wonder how we ever made these decisions. But, we can do this now.
People at this site make predictions based upon history. They don't take the words of our leaders as the gospel, neither in war or peace. Our hype is in certain forums, just as with any discussion board. We follow current events, and hold debate about issues.
Ultimately, we fear the man in the White House today. His parallels with classic dictators has become uncanny. The flag of the United States is being whored out like a NAZI banner during WWII. Our civil rights are being run down and systematically removed. National security propaganda is forcing us to abandon any disclosure and transparency in our own government.
Secrecy and non-disclosure invite abuse. We still have security issues that crop up from time to time as it is. The sad fact is that we don't know if we are really prepared for a terrorist attack now anyway. We have not had a plot of any real scale, and have no news of any plots which have been stopped. That poor dumb boy who put a bomb in his shoe was diffused by civilian passengers on the jet he flew on. The Anthrax scare that happened several years ago is still unsolved to date.
As this presidency unfolds, those in power will lead us all down the path of destruction. Your perverted interpretation of Christianity, your desensitization to moral reasoning, and your blind faith to a man who should be TOLD what to do by the citizens of this country all will be the very end of you, along with every other person in this nation. We don't make wild conjectures, we just keep track of the mistakes of the past. It really is time for you to do the same.