Edited on Mon Sep-08-03 12:42 AM by HereSince1628
They really DO believe that the perception of weakness invites being picked on...much like what happens on a playground.
Consequently eloquent arguments about breaking international law, no WMDs, lack of terrorist connections etc have no educational impact
That 40% of the US has educations that speak more to the sociology of the playground than to academic explorations of history, politics etc.
If you look weak on the playground the bully will pick on you. So it doesn't matter a twit if the person YOU pick on is guilty of anything so long as you PICK on them. It makes you look tough.
Bush is part of the 40%. Read the National Security Strategy from last September. It is clear that the US is to have a military that no one will even imagine fighting. To do that you not only have to have a big military you have to show a willingness to use it. Afganistan and Iraq represent that demonstration. The 40% GET THAT. And WE don't get that.
Convincing the 40% requires telling them the story of the guy that wanted to look tough, refused to be talked out of poking a fight, and then ended up calling for help as he got the shit kicked out of him. The 40% can get that, and they love being part of the "I told you so's,"
We be convinced gang, the message has to be recast to engage the conceptual constructs of the playground....
ok, dammit, quit kicking sand at me and let me on the monkey bars