Edited on Mon Jan-17-05 04:49 PM by Is It Fascism Yet
I am a 52 year old Grandmother, and have voted in every election I was eligible to vote in, which, by this time, is a great many. I have always waited up to hear the result. I waited up for days, glued to the tube, unbelieving in the media whores audacity to try to call it before the votes were tallied, when it was at times said to be as close as 52 votes. I applauded President Gore for his courage in not caving in, not capitulating, not conceding. I wrote to him, and urged him not to give up, to make sure every vote was counted, especially in Florida, and assured him that I believed he was doing the right thing. Of course, nobody read my email, and President Gore didn't need me to tell him any of that, he already knew it. The media whores tried to bad mouth him, saying he was a "poor sport". That so sucked. It was a presidential election. Presidential elections are important things; not sports. The media whores intermittently fed us the usuall circus/circus distraction stories, and alternately told us it didn't matter so much about making sure all the votes were counted, what mattered was announcing a winner as soon as possible, because "America couldn't wait!" We stuck close to JohnKerry.Com, MoveOn.org, CNN, MSNBC and FAUX, mesmerized, uncaring about any other aspect of our lives, and we said out loud to each other and the media whores on TV, "Yeah, we can wait, count the votes, we can wait." But they said we couldn't wait, and the Faux news room was being whore jockeyed by a Bush cousin, so, Faux was the worst of the whores. They first announced Shrub as winner, long before the votes were tallied. You have to wonder, now that we know Shrub has actually paid tax payer money to some media whores in exchange for propaganda, how they arranged for CNN and MSNBC to lie almost as much. For they all chanted the "America can't wait for a conclusion" mantra, and it was a really dumb, lame mantra, because, what every American always wants most is a fair and legitimate election. What are we supposed to be, 2 year olds with a 3 day attention span or something? Americans supposedly are not capable of delayed gratification? Since when? We had NEVER before heard it suggested that it was more important to decide the results of an election expediently than accurately. And all the people, all still watching stunned as the election was stolen, said to each other in lines at the post office and the grocery store..."Isn't that why we have the inauguration in January? So that we have time for counts and recounts?" Then the Bush owned biotch Kathleen Harris, Secretary of the State of Florida, and also a campaign official high in the Bush campaign, demanded that the counties stop counting votes, and tried to certify Florida for Shrub...and the media whores said it again, because, you know, it takes 2100 repetitions on Faux News to make a truth, so, they said it again, "America can't wait!" And we all turned our sleepless eyes and watched as Gore lawyers challenged Harris' right to stop the counties from completing their counting, and a State Superior Court ruled the bitch could not stop the vote counting, so she gave the counties a 3 day limit in which to finish their counting. This, mind you, when the tally was at times withing 52 votes. During the 3 days while they feverishly tried to accomplish a hand count, republican thugs banged on their doors, and unrestrained by the police, threatened the counters bodily harm. At least one county elections official reported that they were not done counting but that they were going to quit, and the threat of bodily harm by the large crowds of ruffians who were allowed to gather at their door was the major factor in their decision to stop counting. They said that. They said so, they even said it on CNN, that intimidation and fear of bodily harm was what was making them quit. It was about here that I got physically ill, and realized our democracy was broken. Unfortunately, I am still physically ill from it, and it actually gives me heart pain. Than Bush&Co ran crying to the Impeachable Supremes. Bushco's case actually seemed to be built on the "America can't wait for recounts and must have instant gratification right now so stop the counting" theory. Two of the Supremes should have recused themselves. InJustice Scalia heard arguments in favor of Bush's case, those arguments being delivered by an attorney who is his own son-in-law. The father of his grandchildren, his daughter's husband, a member of his immediate family, a guy he spends Christmas with. Of course, in the end, Scalia voted in favor of his son-in-law's client, in favor of expediency over accurate democracy. The second InJustice who should have recused herself is Sandra Day O'Connor, who was at a party election night telling people that shrub "Just has to win! I want to retire and I can't unless Bush wins!" She was so widely quoted as having said this that I think she feared to retire later, knowing this quote would come back to haunt her if she tried it. Of course, Injustice Sandra voted for expediency also and the Impeachable Supremes ruled that the counting and recounting of votes must stop. And then we held our breath, waiting for our Senate to rush to rescue us, for surely the Congress and the Senate would challenge the Florida electors according to the protocol set forth in our Constitution. Surely the House and Senate would not allow our election to be tossed away without a proper counting. To our great dismay, nothing happened. The media whores did not even show us the efforts of members of Congress to challenge the electors. They did not show us the cowardice of 100 senators failing to join Congress to defend American democracy, they did not show us the near revolt of the populace in the streets, they only showed us circus/circus stories, mind boggling filler about whose breast accidental got out, as they do now. Our legally elected president went into exile in Tennessee, and the Unpresident took possession of the White House, announcing to his cabinet, according to Paul ONeil, on day one, that we would find a reason for war with Iraq. And the people then knew their democracy was broken, and wondered at how easy it was, after all, to conquer America.