The Responsibility of the Christian Left
By Neil Elliott
On my office wall, nestled between contemporary icons by Robert Lenz of Salvadoran Archbishop Oscar Romero and the Jesuit martyrs of the Central American University, hangs an image of Noam Chomsky. It's a framed poster I had prepared years ago when, as a faculty member in theology at a Roman Catholic women's college, I invited Professor Chomsky to speak on the topic “The Responsibility of Intellectuals in a Democratic Society.”
Facing an audience of Midwestern Catholic women, Chomsky stuck to his assigned theme by addressing the legacy of Archbishop Romero and the Salvadoran martyrs. The very brains of the Jesuit academics, he reminded us, were the “weapons” of liberation theology that Ronald Reagan's advisers had declared the greatest threat to U.S. interests in Latin America. The so-called “Santa Fe document” had specified the vital role the church was to play in the “new world order”: protecting the sanctity of “private property and productive capitalism,” and presenting no challenge to the empire's theological axiom that “war, not peace, is the norm of international affairs.” Needless to say, Chomsky saw our responsibilities differently.