Meanwhile the previous owners of this phosphate company live in wealth, and never let this disaster bother them."Now, I know the phosphate industry is an entrenched and powerful player in laissez-faire Florida. But the story of Mulberry Corp. and the ease with which it fled two years ago from the environmental disaster at its Piney Point phosphate plant is one big load of . . . fertilizer....."
SNIP...."The business executives, now scattered and working in the New York area or Texas, never should have left. And state regulators should not have been so lax in letting them go. It's one sorry precedent.
Piney Point, of course, is the abandoned phosphate plant whose vast acidic wastewaters are rising with our heavy rains and threatening to again flood a sensitive area of Tampa Bay. State officials endorsed a bizarre solution of treating the waste, loading millions of gallons on a barge called New York and spraying it well offshore over a 2,800-square-mile area of the gulf. To further help, trucks carry partially treated liquid to nearby municipal and industrial treatment plants, and to St. Petersburg for use as reclaimed water...."
Owners, Azuelos and Rinaldi, live well and work in TX, NY and Morocco, while Floridians foot the bill. Thank you, Jeb, for your close attention to the phosphate companies.