Edited on Mon Jan-17-05 12:10 PM by The Backlash Cometh
Back in Clintons time, there was something going around that was never investigated because the media broke down. That something was, that with a little effort, the media would have and should have figured out that the people stoking the rumors against Clinton worked for government organizations that would have benefited from a Republican president's policies.
There were a lot of weird things I was hearing on the street, and if I was hearing it, you have to wonder the trash that was going on in inside Republican circles. Take this as an example:
This is something I learned from a Republican in my neighborhood, who no longer lives here, and who no longer is an acquaintance because the things he said scared the hell out of me. He's one of those guys who goes out and does bids for stock items which corporations or government want to unload quickly. So, he is privy to bankruptcies and also privy to whatever the military or government agencies are unloading. Let me make this clear. The man is a Libertarian style Republican. An anarchist. He HATES government; and he isn't adverse to playing dirty. In his old homestead he stole the original plats to his and his neighbor's property from the local public records office in order to muddy the waters on a property rights issue. So, one day, here we are sitting around talking and he tells me that he's in very big with the Energy Department. Our Energy Department. Apparently, he found some kind of questionnable devices, maybe detonators, at an auction, recognized what they were, bid on them and returned them to the Energy Department. For that they let him into his inner circle. And boy, did they trash Clinton. EVERYTHING that even seemed vaguely fishy was blamed on Clinton. The fact that those detonators (and they could have been nuclear detonators for all I know) were found in auction was blamed on Clinton. The fact that Clinton's people were trying to encourage trade with foreign countries was considered a Clinton conspiracy. (But not a peep these days that Carlyle actually has business interests in China.) This is what I concluded from the conversation: OUR GOVERNMENT AGENCIES WERE HIDING THEIR OWN INCOMPETENCE/CORRUPTION BY SPREADING THE LIES THAT CLINTON WAS COMMITTING TREASON AND OTHER HIGH MISDEMEANORS.
Now. If someone as insignificant as I was, was listening to this propaganda, what were the Republicans hearing?
So, I fully blame the media for allowing the imbalance of the 90s to occur. They had us focusing on Clinton for all the graft/corruption/incompetence of government, when the reality is, that these agencies were probably covering up their own wrong doings. What's worse, these agencies have been thriving under Bush.