January 13 Reuters and the cable news networks are making a news story of a very interesting short video from Iraq, addressed to "people of the world." I'd encountered this on line, via an link to Information Clearinghouse, as early as December 19, and found it noteworthy enough to draft at that time what appears below. One wonders why the mainstream press has taken three weeks to find it newsworthy.
The video is elegantly produced in English by the "Media Platoon" of a group called the "Islamic Jihad Army." The written message accompanying the opening martial music indicates that the Islamic Jihad Army was formed by the merger of the Iraqi Islamic Army and the Islamic Jihad Brigades, and that the Army "reports to the Mujahadeen Joint Command," along with nine other named organizations, plus "other small supporting cells."
Since it's not likely to remain available long, one should, if interested, check out the website immediately. (That, again, is: http colon slash slash informationclearinghouse dot info slash article 7468 dot htm.)
The transcript of the message is included on the site, so if you want to, you can print it out and share it with your friends. Not that I'm suggesting you do so, of course. There's a law against providing "material assistance" to terrorism, which, I suppose, should I specifically urge you to circulate this material (authored by those that the government deems terrorists) I would by definition do. Nor will I use such adjectives as "reasonable" or "moving" to describe the presentation, but just summarize it dispassionately.
The video describes the resistance movement as one conducted by "simple people who chose principles over fear," resulting not only from the invasion but from the UN "sanctions, which we consider the true weapons of mass destruction."
It explains the invasion in geopolitical terms, not simplistically as a war between Islam and the West, or stupidly as a war between Good vs. Evil. "We have not crossed the oceans and seas to occupy Britain or the U.S." declares the narrator, "nor are we responsible for 9/11. These are only a few of the lies that these criminals present to cover their true plans for the control of the energy resources of the world, in face of a growing China and a strong unified Europe. It is ironic that the Iraqis are to bear the full force of this large and growing conflict on behalf of the rest of this sleeping world."