When Bush keeps repeating "ownership society" over and over, he actually means phasing out Social Security and replacing guaranteed benefits for retirees with gambling - and guaranteed profits for Wall Street brokers.
Bush's opponents should adopt a more honest description and repeat it until it sinks in to people what Bush is up to:
How about "casino culture"?
401K's are a looming disaster, with many having lost their value during the crash. Many are vunerable to market fluctuations, losses, at any time. When people hear this, given an ingrained distrust of Wall Street and big business, the risk of the ownership soceity is unappealing, at best.
It sounds great, but when people realize their old age is on the line, they won't be so eager to take the chance.
Bush likes risk, women with small kids define 'risk-averse'. Tell the soccer moms that Bush wants to gamble with their future in a big way.
Losing money is the psychological core here. People hate the idea of losing money. Stress this, and Bush HAS no answer. What is he going to say? The government will cover the costs? He can't. Tell people that Bush's plan may cost them retirement, remind them about what happened to 401K's recently, and you have a winning argument. Most Americans think they may be rich, but they aren't stupid. Most people think, in a survey I saw, 80 percent, that money in the market is insured. Get people like Bob Rubin, Eliot Spitzer and Arthur Levitt to explain the consequences of this plan and how the market works.
You can sum up Bush's plan as: he wants to take your secure Social Security money and have you lose it in the stock market. http://stevegilliard.blogspot.com/2005/01/bushs-social-security-plan-six-coming.html