This evening President George W. Bush gave a canned 15 minute Speech about Iraq. In it he told us nothing new, admitted no failures, addressed not one single concern of the Iraqi's or our Soldiers, and basically demanded that an already fiscally crippled taxpayer give hiim all the money he wants to continue his "Excellent Adventure".....
Here is my response.....
On this day, September 7, 2003, I Accuse YOU, George W. Bush of High Treason against the United States if America and it's citizens.
You have invaded and destroyed a defensless country which was not an immediate threat to this country or it's neighbors. It has been recently revealed that there were no Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq, no capability to atttack us within 45 miutes as you and Prime Minister Tony Blair proclaimed. No Nuclear Weapons, No Anthrax, No VX Nerve Gas, NOTHING.
You told the nation countless lies to convince the public to support this war, and you and your cabinet lied to the people about the costs and resources that would be required. You have done this knowingly and purposefully.
You are responsible for the murder of tens of thousands of Irai citizeens, whose crime was nothing more than being citizens of a country you had the lust to invade. More than 300 of our Servicemen have dies, thousands more have been wounded, and because of your desire to keep the lid on this growing chaos that is Iraq, there is no telling how many we are losing by the day to guerilla attacks, NOT from Saddaam Loyalists, but from angry Iraqi Citizens who simply do not want us there, and want their country back, which YOU TOOK FROM THEM WITHOUT JUSTIFIABLE PRETENSE.
On September 11, 2001, in this country's greatest hour of peril, I Accuse you of neglecting to faithfully perform your duties as the Commander In Chief of this Government. While New York Burned, you cowered in a classroom reading to children about Goats, KNOWING THAT AMERICA was under Attack. Then you cowered on Air Force One to 6 Different Military Bases, before finally addressing the nation later in the day, looking like you yourself had been taken hostage, shaking like a confused Deer in the Headlights.
I accuse you and your administration for failing to heed warnings and information that you had well in advance of 9/11, and I accuse YOU and your ADMINISTRATION of not only having advance knowlege of this Attack, but of at the very least allowing it to happen, at the very worst complicit in it's execution.
I Accuse YOU of further neglect and malfeasiance on the economic level, destroying this economy and mortaging the future of future generations of Americans, while catering to the Special Interests of Corproate Entities.
You have the gall to preach to the American People that they must sacrifice more, but when it was your turn to sacrifice, you fled like a coward and went AWOL from your own Service Duties.
You tell Working Class and Poor Americans they must sacrifice more for your ill-begotten "Adventures", yet you refuse to help and serve your fellow citizens by addressing the Problems at home, and instead blathering and opining about some Magical Disneyland you wish to create thousands of miles away. A country you needlessly destroyed based on LIES.
Your FIRST PRIORITY as Leader of this country is to the CITIZENS of this country. You seem to have forgotten this. but then again, it was never really a concern of yours to begin with, was it?
And over the past two and a half years, I Accuse YOU of failing in every single respect, to protect the Civil Liberties of the Citizens of this country. Period. We all know the details.
We should have never been in the position you have put us in. You are asking for sacrifices that should have never been necessary. Lives have been lost that should never have been Jeopardized. My Best Friend was one of them.
What Sacrifices have YOU made in this war, in this time of conflict and uncertainty. What have YOU given, Mr. Bush?
That's Right.
So it is with clear conscience that I Accuse YOU, George W. Bush of High Treason against the Citizens of the United States of America.
And it is my opinion that you and your "handlers' should be tried for War Crimes against humanity, and given just sentence to fit the crime.
You ARE a Miserable Failure Mr. Bush.
And Hell will welcome you with Wide, Very Open Arms.
But Hopefully not before we are OVER Done with you here on this Mortal Plane.
We have SUCH Sights to Show You.
Traitor. Coward. Parasite.
These are YOU.
My fellow Americans, it is time for us to rise up and Take Our Country Back.
This little Bastard has had his Fifteen Minutes.
It is time for us to show him that his Time Is UP.
227 years ago, Paul Revere Rode throguh the night to carry the message to the people of the threat that faced them.
In that Spirit, tomorrow, let us fax our Media, our Congressmen, hit the Blogs, the Message Boards, EVERYWHERE WE CAN BE HEARD.
This is OUR country. Let us make our voices heard.
Let us fiercley accelerate the process of TAKING IT BACK.
You've had your say, Mr. Bush.
It is High Time we had OURS.
My Fellow DU'ers.....