I posted this on a thread in the Lounge, where all the cool people hang out, and thought I'd post it here as its own thread, since I'm rather proud of this one.
here it is:
The freeps and the repuke fuckers would bitch and piss and moan and cry holy hell about being taxed to death for bullshit schools and that people should pay their own way through life, we shouldn't be taxed to pay for schools, especially state run liberal abortion-teaching schools, we need to pull ourselves up by our bootstraps and no more welfare state everyone has to work on their own and make their own way blah blah blah blah fucking boring blah blah blah,
and then they'll send every one of their kids to the free state schools, but it will be because "it just happens to be an excellent school" or "that's where the kid wanted to go" or "it's closer to home, and we're good Christian family values people" or some other line of bullshit.
And, of course, they would never donate as an alum because "Hey, they're already taxing me to pay for that school, why should I donate?" and meanwhile, the dems, who are happily paying the taxes for it, are also donating for special programs and stuff, all the while listening to the 50% freeper student population bitch and rail about how evil and awful the democrats and liberals are for taxing everyone to death while providing nothing of value and how they, the freeper students, are making it on their own and pulling themselves up by their bootstraps while minorities and liberals are living on the public dole, sucking taxes out of the wallets of the freeper fathers.
Oh, and the freeps and fundy fucks would make sure that every state school has an "alternative" biology and science department, which they'll sue and sue and sue and sue to get, all while protesting "activist judges" and "legislating from the bench" and crying for "tort reform".
That's what would happen.