Democrats are gearing up to defeat Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum, a conservative Republican, when he seeks re-election in 2006 in what could become the most watched, and potentially most expensive, Senate race in the nation. Santorum, who holds the No. 3 leadership post in the Senate GOP caucus, has become a national figure who can attract plenty of support and campaign contributions.
"... balancing his status as a lightning rod for Democratic opposition is the fact that Santorum has evolved into much more of a national figure than when he won his second term in 2000. With that national base come a vastly enhanced ability to attract money, both for his own campaign committee and from independent groups on the conservative side."
"Barring some Congressional action to reel them (527s) in, I can't imagine that they won't be active in
election and without the preoccupation of a presidential race, those 527s will have the potential to focus resources on races such as Santorum's to an unprecedented degree."
"His flailing of the left sparked a protest from one member of the audience of about 300. 'I am tired of this 'left' and 'right' destroying this country,' a woman cried out from the back of the auditorium. 'I would agee with you on half of that,' said an unapologetic Santorum."
MUCH MORE!!! Including Santorum's thoughts on a run for the presidency. You think we have it bad now ... just wait!!!
Monday, January 17, 2005
By James O'Toole, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
Full story:
I really hate this sonofabitch! God, I want nothing more than to see him voted out. Problem is, as far as I can tell, God is nowhere to be found in US politics.