Imperial Amerikan Subjects saying "enough is enough" is FAR too early, IMHO.
My belief is that Imperial Subjects of Amerika (and I include all of us in that appellation, sadly) would easily accept 10,000 casualties, provided they didn't happen all at once.
I also believe that, until people are personally and DEEPLY affected by Bushevik policies commonly every day (ie a neighbor dragged off in the middle of the night and subject to SS harrassment), the moment you speak of would never happen.
Even then, I have looked ito the eys of modern Good Germans so many times, people who cling to their fantasies even in the absence of facts or even when they don't KNOW ANYTHING about the subject, and it is in my opinion a Fuhrer-level denial that puts us foresuqare in the same category as the Good Germans.
to Good German, well-educated, upper middle class "German" manager Well, are you for environmental protections?
Well, how can you support Bush when he stands against every environemntal protection there is.
It couldn't be that bad. I'm sure Bush hasn't been all bad onthe environment.
Well, why don't you tell me some of the good things he has done for the environment.
I don't know. I am not prepared to have this conversation. I don't know.
Go ahead. Have 10 or 50 or 100 of these converstaions with the Good Germans the Imperial Subjects of Amerika and see how you feel.
Impervious to facts, like a Good German. Placing total trust in the Nobility, Honesty and Godliness of Der Fuhrer, the same. Unshakable in their belief even if facts are laid before them.
And of course, the very real human condition of "the more people are fooled the more they doggedly cling to the ideas by which they were fooled in order to avoid acknowledging having been fooled.
This human characteristic is as constant as the desire to be loved and ALWAYS has terrible effects in the long run.
I further believe that these natural tendencies have been reinforced by the Greatest Propaganda Machine & Lie Laundry to ever exist in human history: The network of Propaganda Mills (which they call Think Tanks) and Totalitarian Party-Loyal Bush Sub-Media and so much more has created an Orwellian Dreamworld so much more powerful as that which deceived the Germans.
No, I disagree with your points, Dawgs, in that the Imperial Subjects of Amerika AT THIS MOMENT IN HISTORY are one LIHOP #2: Nuclear Option from embracing full-blown fascism (in a Friendly Package specically deisgned to be palatable to Amerikans, not Germans, so don't hold your breath waiting for it to look like Nazi Germany).
You think it's going to get better? From thsi moment forth the number of Amerikans who were raised in the Old Free USA will decrease. When enough have passed away, and all that remains are those who know little of the Old American Republic and have only known Orwellian Softcore Amerikan-style Tyranny, I believe THAT geenration may go "all the way".
But that is just my opinion.