Here's the first one:
No WMDs, no official credibility
January 18, 2005
On Jan. 11, the Free Press carried the article "4 at CBS are axed for segment on Bush." On Jan.13, you published "Weapons search ends empty: Bush has no regrets about decision to invade Iraq."
Isn't it ironic that both CBS and the Bush administration published information they failed to authenticate adequately? In the former case, journalistic integrity was tarnished. In the latter, thousands of people are dead, the United States is obligated to spend tens of billions of dollars to repair the damage, and it is not clear Iraq will return to stability any time soon.
At CBS, the offenders have been publicly identified and dismissed in order to restore credibility. After being re-elected, President George W. Bush has no regrets about invading Iraq. Apparently credibility is not a prerequisite for the leader of the free world.
Donald Decoster Livonia
more, three more to be precise ...