Dear everyone on DU:
I know that many of you have already contributed generously to the tsunami relief effort, and of course, :yourock:
If you are interested I would like to let you know about an additional opportunity to help out a couple of specific schools.
I was a Peace Corps volunteer in Thailand, and now, I am a member of a group of returned Peace Corps Volunteers, "Friends of Thailand," who sponsor small projects directly helping the people of Thailand. They have created PROJECT RESTORE, which will be helping the rebuilding efforts of two schools, Ban Bang Sak School and Ban Bang Muang Elementary School, both near Phuket.
Anyway, I know a lot of people have already given to the tsunami relief efforts -- I just wanted to let everyone know about this direct effort. Sometimes it is nice to be able to send a little money and know exactly what it did.
Some of the money will be used as a scholarship fund for the orphans, some will be used for the lunch program or the language lab or the science lab. You can specify exactly which fund your contribution will go into. 100% of what Friends of Thailand receives will go to the school. NO money will be retained by Friends of Thailand or by any agency in Thailand.
John Williams, PC Country Director in Thailand, supports this project. In a recent email to Friends of Thailand, he wrote, "I was excited to hear about the FOT plans for the school. We visited the site where the school once stood, and it is totally destroyed. You couldn't have picked a better place to put your money."
You can find more information, including how to donate, about PROJECT RESTORE here: you like this idea, please keep kicked! Thanks!
Oh, and here are some photos of the kids from Ban Bang Muang elementary (pre-tsunami):