According to a transcript released by the Middle East Media Research Institute, a leading Saudi religious authority blamed the Tsunami on "homosexuality," "fornicators," "sexual perversions," and other sins and sinners in a declaration on Saudi Arabia's al-Majd TV December 31. In an undoubted reference to the famously gay-friendly Thai resort town of Phuket and other SouthEast Asian tourist resorts, the cleric said that "corrupt people from all over the world come to commit fornication and sexual perversion." tipped the Sheik off that it was because of the homos? Fred Phelps?? Baptist Church leaders known for picketing the funeral of Matthew Shepard, the young college student brutally murdered in Wyoming in 1998, have released the following statement regarding the tsunamis which hit Southeast Asia earlier in the week.
The statement, which was posted on their website Wednesday alongside dozens of other archived "press releases," thanks God for the tsunami and for the death of any gay Swedish vacationers who perished at the time.